
All mortal affairs are doomed to folly, so limited in their sight
Only through service to the gods can we be given even a chance for redemption

You are connected inexorably to a divine presence.
You carry a holy relic with you at all times.
You may no longer receive training from any person, instead receiving all advancement through meditation and prayer.

To learn any skill or ability, you must spend a day in communion.
You must have personally witnessed the skill or ability. You must justify to your god how you will use this knowledge to further their aims upon the world.
You must pass a Resolute check, modified by the rank of what you wish to learn. (-3 for Rank III, for example)
If you succeed, you learn it immediately, with no time required for training.
If you fail, you learn nothing.

You may still advance skills through using them and succeeding on a 1, as normal.

You may never pray for the same thing twice.