A character is made of four Convictions. These drive everything they do and grant them XP for following them, especially when it would be wiser not to.
They are born with Attributes. An assortment of descriptions that determine what they are predisposed to learning and what they will be challenged by.
They will learn Skills. Trade and craft by which they will build and change the world around them. Every living thing has some to share.
Through their actions, they will gain and shed Traits. Boons and burdens that all carry on their journey.
By their temptations, they will learn Rituals. Sacred arts by whose careful application the world may be changed from afar.
In their traversal of the depths, of knowledge, of earth, and the distortion from which such will be wrought, they will gain Abilities. Reality bending capacity that will empower, and destroy, those who attempt to wield it.
Through it all, they will carry Items. The many small and handmade things, the medium of every act to come.