Melee Weaponry

Implements for close combat
Damage Size Cost (s)
Axe, battle * 8 1 5
Axe, hand ‡ 6 1 2
Club 4 1 1
Dagger ‡ 4 1/2 2
Flail * 6 1 8
Hammer, war * 10 2 1
Lance 6 1 6
Mace 6 1 10
Polearm † 8 1 10
Spear *, †, ‡ 6 1 1
Staff † 6 1 0
Sword, bastard* 8 1 20
Sword, long† 10 2 15
Sword, short 6 1 8

* Can be used two-handed to gain +2 damage
† Can only be used two-handed
‡ Can be used as both a melee and a ranged weapon

Ranged Weaponry

Implements for combat at distance
Damage Rate of Fire Range Size Cost (s)
Axe, thrown 4 1 1 1 1
Bow, long 8 2 7 2 60
Bow, short 6 2 5 1 15
Crossbow, heavy 10 1/2 8 2 20
Crossbow, light 8 1 6 1 12
Dagger 3 1 2 1 2
Dart 2 3 3 1/20 .2
Javelin 6 1 3 1 .5
Sling 3 1 1 1 .2
Spear 6 1 2 1 1

Shooting or throwing beyond this range adds a –2 obstacle


Standard armaments for ranged weaponry
Damage Size Cost (s)
Axe, thrown 4 1 1
Bow, long 8 2 60
Bow, short 6 1 15
Crossbow, heavy 10 2 20
Crossbow, light 8 1 12
Dagger 3 1 2
Dart 2 1/20 .2
Javelin 6 1 .5
Sling 3 1 .2
Spear 6 1 1

* Every additional 20 ammunition beyond the first requires 1 slot


Wearable defense
Defense Size Cost (s)
Studded +1 1 10
Chain +2 2 30
Plate +3 3 100
Shield +1 1 20
Helmet 0* 1 20

* Helmets block the ears and peripheral vision, reducing Vigilant by 2
A helmet or a shield can be destroyed to cancel a single attack