All basic actions and effects that are the result of normal events are referred to as Mundane.
All fantastic, mystical, or otherworldly effects are referred to as Distortion.
When distortion damages organic things (characters, creatures, and nature), harming them in ways they have trouble healing, it is referred to as Corruption.
Someone who practices sorcery may sense Distortion reverberating through a wall as they witness strange effects in an underground room.
They may then experience Corruption as their body burns and warps while they attempt to channel and control it.
Mutative Corruption
When a character fails their Resolute check, add the amount they failed by to the total of their current temporary and permanent corruption, then roll a 1d4 and consult the following table.
Mutative CorruptionHow the body and soul warp in the presence of excess distortion |
1 - Senses | 2 - Body | 3 - Mind | 4 - Shadow | |
<10 | -1d4 Vigilant | -1d4 Strong | -1d4 Cunning | -1d4 Resolute |
11 | Blind to normal color. Can see kaleidoscopes across the infrared. -5 accurate handling anything that doesn't give off heat. Can see heat signatures even in total darkness. | ... | ... | ... |
12 | ... | Body withers. -2 max Strong. | ... | ... |
13 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
14 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
15 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
16 | ... | Combust. 1d6 damage per turn until extinguished. All flammable equipment burns. | ... | ... |
17 | ... | ... | Gain a random ability. Lose all unspent XP. | ... |
18 | ... | Reassembled. Swap two attributes. 1d8 to determine (reroll on match) |
Cascading loss. Roll 1d6 for each skill and ability. On 3 or less, remove it. |
... |
19 | Sharpened by nightmares. 1d6 damage. Reroll Vigilant as 4d6 (max 18) | Reforged by warp. 1d6 damage. Add 1d6 to max Accurate, Discreet, Quick, or Strong (1d4 to determine). | Unwavering focus. 1d6 damage. +1 to max Cunning (max 18) | Reborn in darkness. Remove all corruption. Change Corruption Threshold equal to Resolute. If it is ever exceeded, permanently lose control of the character. |
20+ | Incomprehensible. Reroll max Discreet and max Vigilant as 1d6. | Inversion. 1d20+10 damage. Reroll Strong and Quick as 1d6 if survived. |
Shatter. Reroll Cunning and Resolute as 1d6. | Dissolution. Character dies. |
Area Destabilization
If more than 20 points of Corruption are spent by characters and NPCs in an area, the excessive distortion destabilizes it.
Roll d100 and consult the following table.
Area DestabilizationHow excessive corruption dismantles a location |
Result | Effect | |
1 | Bleed | Anything within slowly leaks without. Chests pour contents, packs drop items (1d4/round), plants drip water, characters lose blood (1d4 damage). |
2 | Combustion | Each round a random object begins to smoke. Unless removed from the area, it ignites in the next. |
3 | Command | Each character must make a RES check. Those who fail become enthralled to those who passed until they leave the area. |
4 | Conflagration | Erupting in to violent flame, everything in the room is consumed. 1d4 rounds of immense heat beforehand serves as warning. |
5 | Dislocate | An exit (or a cardinal direction, in an open area) leads somewhere else. It may still be entered as normal. |
6 | Firestorm | Like slow, thick droplets of rain, fire pools together and falls from above (2 damage per round, anything flammable burns). |
7 | Flood | The area is underwater. Maximum 10' height, 10' width. Stops at walls, ceilings, and portals. Forms a vertical wall of water in open spaces. |
8 | Freeze | In a flash, all is wrapped in shell of ice. Characters must pass a STR check to break free. |
9 | Gate | A hole tears through space leading to a random nearby location. |
10 | Gravity Well | All weight increases dramatically. STR check at beginning of any segment or the character is pulled to the ground and spends the segment fighting to stand up. |
11 | Lethargy | Make a Resolute check to crawl at half speed. Otherwise, sleep for one round. No other action may be taken. |
12 | Lightveins | Bright, thin roots spread outward, marbling the air. The entire space is illuminated to an almost blinding degree, leaving no shadows. All things pass through them as if they were non-existent. |
13 | Mass Mutation | Every living thing in the room rolls 1d20 and consults the Mutative Corruption table. |
14 | Refraction | Visual information swims and sways (-5 to anything relying on sight). |
15 | Shatter | As a ball through glass, part of a surface breaks away, leaving massive cracks spidering across every other surface. May open to neighboring rooms, floors, etc. |
16 | Silent | No sound can be made. Anything beyond may still be heard. |
17 | Soak: Oil | Precipitating like dew, a random mix of oils and fats coat every surface (slick, flammable). |
18 | Soak: Water | In an instant, the aftermath of a day long rainstorm. Fires are doused. |
19 | Thunderstorm | Thick fog fills the area, lightning strikes a random target each round (1d12 damage). |
20 | Timewaves | Each round, QUI is randomly halved or doubled. Reverse the effect if a character moves. |
21 | Unmoor | No longer bound by gravity, everyone and everything floats. Characters and objects may get stuck in open spaces if their momentum is halted. |
22 | Vanish | Everything in the area is invisible. Anything beyond may still be seen. |
23 | Violent Wind | Whipping in all directions, all light objects become projectiles (persistent, random target, 1d4 damage). |