
Combat in general does not require any special rules or attention, and instead simply happens like any other moment of high importance or high intensity.
(see Segmented Turns for more information)

There are, however, some actions that characters may take during a combat round that are unique.

If a character dives onto, tackles, lands on, or otherwise wrestles with a character that's within range of them, they initiate a grapple.
While grappling, a character may only attack the person they are currently grappling, and only using fists or small weapons (daggers, darts, arrows, etc).
Neither character may move unless they break the grapple. To do so requires a Strong check ± the opposing character's Strong mod. On either success or failure, the opposing character gets a free attack.
If attacking from the outside, characters do not miss unless they roll a 19 or 20. Instead, points above the target number inflict damage on the other character currently being grappled. If there is more than one, choose from among them at random.
For all abilities, the characters in the grapple count as a single target.